I have an array of Project objects that are stored within a ActionForm class
(say ShowFileDiffsForm).

I have a getter and setter on the ShowFileDiffsForm:
        Project[] getProjects()
            void setProjects(Project[] projects)

The Project object itself has the attributes:
            int id;
        String name

My question is how can I build a logic:iterate tag to iterate over the array
of project objects.?

Here is what I have so far

<logic:iterate id="element" name="showFileDiffsForm" property="projects"
  <li><em><bean:write name="element.name"/></em>&nbsp;[<bean:write

The one thing that I don't know how to do is to write the name and the
project id out for each iteration.  ]

Can anyone shed any light on this?

Marty B. Jones
Senior Software Engineer

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