I am having a problem storing portions of a TILES layout in different

When using TILES definitions 

This works:

  <definition name=".list" path="/WEB-INF/admin/list.jsp">
        <put name="title"  value="the list page" />
                <put name="subtitle"  value="the list page" />
        <put name="body"   value="" />

  <definition name="category.list" extends=".list">
        <put name="body"   value="/WEB-INF/admin/categorylist.jsp" />

BUT, this doesn't:

  <definition name=".list" path="/WEB-INF/admin/list.jsp">
        <put name="title"  value="the list page" />
                <put name="subtitle"  value="the list page" />
        <put name="body"   value="" />

  <definition name="category.list" extends=".list">
        <put name="body"   value="/WEB-INF/admin/pages/categorylist.jsp"

The only difference is that I have put the category list page into a
directory called "pages".

Is there something I am missing?  Should I be setting the second file's
path to be "pages/categorylist.jsp" without the rest of it since someone
mentioned before that child tiles are locally referenced?  I tried this,
but it doesn't work either.

Is there a configuration setting which controls the ability to do this?

Has anyone else experienced this error?

Thanks for any thoughts


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