Susan Bradeen wrote:

Warning: really, really basic questions (apologies in advance) ...

On 08/18/2003 09:45:44 AM Robert Leland wrote:

Adam Hardy wrote:

Hi Robert,
I put some stuff on there but my knowledge of wiki is only sketchy, so
I have left a page where all the capitalized words have got a question
mark after them for creating new pages.

I couldn't find any wiki instructions anywhere - if you give me a good
link, I can post it on the first page.

Good Idea !

Thanks !
I am pretty Wiki unsavvy myself. I typically see what other people have
done, then edit
that page and copy their format. I know I am probably picking up bad
habits, but it works.
Scott Eade - Announced the Wiki so he likely knows what he is doing

The only thing I might add is that if possible when creating pages
prepend 'validator' to the page
name, to make it unique in the ApacheWiki.

OK, so are you saying that to add something to the Wiki, it is as simple as navigating to a page where you want to add some text, and using the "Edit text of this page" link?

For example on the Validator FAQ page, I can edit the text to add a new heading. And if I use the MixedCase formatting, that will become a link to a new page, then I can add the detail on that new page?

Also, where do the question marks come from that link to adding a new page? I was looking at the text for a page containing a heading with an "add page question mark" link, but there was nothing in the actual page text that looked to create the question mark link. Or maybe <light bulb goes on /> if you create a link with MixedCase text and don't put anything on the linked page, it will show the "?" until there is something in it? I was thinking the "?" meant you could continuously add new pages for a specific text link.

Is that basically all there is to it?

Yes, there are no access restrictions. Yes mixed case works or [[xxx]]
It sounds like you have been reading the manual, I just read it this morning also ! ;-) !

The rules are very simple, and few. For instance some Wiki's won't let you rename pages. Others will.
You can create tables, and annotate text, etc... I haven't seen anything like comboboxes, or fancy
controls. Etc...

The best thing is since there is version control it's easy to UnDo a Mistake. I was looking in the
logs and some kid, deleted a page for one of the XML project pages and instead left the message
'you suck'. Someone discovered the change 2 hours later and restored the content to the original.


Thanks, Susan Bradeen



On 08/18/2003 06:08 AM Robert Leland wrote:

There is now a Commons Validator Wiki !

Beware this is only a shell to start collecting tips, FAQs, and


for using validator. You can make a much needed contribution !

This is also great opportunity to delete all those old emails you have been saving ! Come on, there must be hundreds, and put them on the web !

Then they are instantly available from any web browser:
* At work,
Your Desk
Your Co-worker's Desk
* At home
* At a remote site
* Even from that better paying job you have been waiting for !
No emailing yourself hundreds of emails, just give your Notice !


We really do need you !

Robert Leland                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java, J2EE, Struts, Web Application Development

804 N. Kenmore Street         +01-703-525-3580
Arlington VA 22201

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Java, J2EE, Struts, Web Application Development

804 N. Kenmore Street           +01-703-525-3580
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