>I want to be able to add a literal parameter to a link
>but I already successfully use <html:link page"/myPage.do" name="myMap" />
>this adds a Map of parameters, but I'd like to be able to add further
>parameters literally (ie not from a bean).
>Is there any way I can achieve this, by struts or jstl or anything!?

Okay I can do this:

<c:set value="true" target="${myForm.map}" property="print" />
<html:link page="/MyPage.do" name="queryParams">Printer page</html:link>
<c:set value="false" target="${myForm.map}" property="print" />

seems a bit of a kludge, be nice to just specify an addition rather than put
in and take it out of the map.

Mike W

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