In writing a taglib for my calendar popup, I've come across two questions:

1) I need to write javascript which references the generated <input> tag. To
do this, I need to know the name of the form that it is contained in to get
a javascript reference to it. If no form name is found, I'll default to form
[0]. This isn't working:

protected String getFormName() {
        // Acquire the form tag we are associated with
        FormTag formTag =
        if (formTag==null) {
                return "0";
        else {
                return "'"+formTag.getName()+"'";

I took this from the <html:option> tag as an example. Is this not possible
for the form tag?

2) I have a .properties file for my taglib which defines standard text and
default options. It would be great if a user could over-ride those settings
with messages in their own application-specific MessageResources. Is there a
generalized way, in my taglib code, to get a reference to the application's
message resources so I can search for keys that over-ride my defaults?
The other option I thought of is that the developer can extend my taglib
with their own and point to their own MessageResources file, but this isn't
as slick. 
Any other options?

PS: Just have to clear up these two things and write more examples and it'll
be ready for testing...


Matt Kruse

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