On Wed, 20 Aug 2003, BaTien Duong wrote:

> Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:31:17 -0600
> From: BaTien Duong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Struts and Jetspeed
> Emerson Cargnin wrote:
> > any advice in choosing tiles vs jetspeedy?
> > I suppose tiles integrates better, but at the other side jettyspeed
> > follows the portlets specification. Any other comments?
> It is still too early to tell. I believe in simplicity and the right
> design that up to now Struts-Tiles give us elegant controller-templating
> engine. Craig has stated his "ideal goal" for developing Struts to work
> with JSR-168. The challenge is to have something like tiles as a
> template engine according to JSR-168 specifications for Portal / Portlet
> container(s).

There is also an implicit non-goal that I should state explicitly -- I'm
totally uninterested in building in (to Struts) support for non-JSR 168
based portal servers -- be they open source ones like Jetspeed or
commercial ones (BEA, IBM, Oracle, Sun, whatever).  This is for the same
reason that I'm not interested in supporting any non-Servlet-API variant
on servlets -- that's not where the market is.  Providers of non-168
portal servers are welcome to provide their own adaptations of they want
to, and several of them already do.

Fortunately, all of the servers portal mentioned above (including
Jetspeed) are planning to provide JSR-168 compatible support, so
implementing 168 support into Struts is instantly useful on all of them.
That's the power of common standards.

> I think after the release of JSR-168 Reference Inplementation,

which has been proposed to become an Apache project, by the way; see the
'jakarta-jetspeed-2' CVS repository ...

> many
> Struts developers  (i know at least a number of Portals based on
> Struts-Tiles, all except basic portal, stating to support JSR-168)  (i
> am one of them) will seriously put some time in this refactoring process.

Yep ... JSR-168 is going to be a very popular API, quite likely rivalling
servlet in the number of server choices people will have.  And supporting
it gracefully in Struts means you'll be able to deploy a Struts based app
using either servlet or portlet based servers, depending on your needs,
with minimal changes.

> BaTien

Craig McClanahan

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