Im just getting started looking at web services myself , so dont have a
detailed technical grasp, but a seminar I attended a couple of days ago is
still fresh in my mind so Ill have a go at fielding this one...

What you have done would fit into the 'academic' definition of a 'web
service quite nicely'. Of course it doesn't make use of the standards (SOAP,
WSDL) which means its a proprietary implementation of a web service and for
anyone to use it they would have to use your methodology and message format.
Roughly speaking, your dtd seems to be taking the place of of the wsdl
document, and your own xml format taking the place of the SOAP envelope &

The 'popular' conception of a web service is of course one that involves the
use of SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and such like, so when you talk about 'web services'
this is what comes to peoples minds.

Id most strongly suggest that you now convert (or investigate how difficult
it would be to convert) what you have done to make use of soap and wsdl to
make it easier for others to make use of your service. Having reinvented
parts of those wheels yourself, you will probably find it a quite
interesting exercise to see how what you do compares with the standards.
With the knowledge you gained doing it your way, you should find learning
the standard way much easier as you will see much of the reasoning behind
things in the standard having covered that ground yourself already!

You will want to take a look at the AXIS project first as you will probably
want to make use of it:

IBM are pretty big on Web Services (and have donated a ton of web services
stuff to the opensource community) so go take a look at whats available on
their developerWorks site:

And of course the w3c web service stuff is at:

And the WS-I at:

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Hess [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 21 August 2003 03:11
To: Struts
Subject: [OT] Web Services, what have I done?

Hi All,

This post might seem odd but I am looking for some insight into a solution
that I have implemented. I am trying to get a better understanding of how my
implementation fits into the grand scheme of a Web Service and how I might
document this implementation. I have been reading about WSDL and about SOAP
and am still not sure what I have done J, and how my implementation is
compatible or not compatible with what the industry is calling a Web Service
mainly for documentation purposes even though I would love to build this
functionality based on industry standards.

I have built a web app using STRUTS of course that allows for external
remote systems to invoke RPC's (Remote Procedure Call) on an area of the
apps functionality. I allow remote systems to communicate using XML over
HTTP POST. Communication involves the invocation request and response. I
have created a invocation.dtd that defines the invocation data structure and
all the supported methods and arguments and the response.dtd that defines
the result data structure returned by any invocation.
As far as I can understand so far this is very similar to a SOAP envelope.

The client of this implementation builds the invocation XML data structure
as defined by invocation.dtd, opens a connection to defined URL and writes
the XML invocation directly to the connections OutputStream and reads the
XML response directly from the connections InputStream.

Having built this implementation and ducking the learning curve of Web
Services, SOAP implementation because I found it difficult to implement with
my shaky understanding of Web Services I am hoping that I might now be able
to get a better understanding of Web Services and how they relate to what I
have done in the hopes that I might get inline with the industry and write
great software and document what I have done J.

Any insight is greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

Greg Hess
Software Engineer
Wrapped Apps Corporation
275 Michael Cowpland Dr.
Suite 201
Ottawa, Ontario
K2M 2G2
Tel: (613) 591 -7552
Fax: (613) 591-0523
1 (877) 388-6742

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