Well, the number of arguments is part of the method signature. In your case a dynamic 
object would be ideal, and if you don't want to use an array you could ever use a 
Collection, which offers the add(Object element), remove(Object element) methods, thus 
allowing for dynamicity. The Collection package (java.util) offers also great 
flexibility as it manage collection through the core interfaces and each 
implementation class has methods to convert one collection type to another.

If I understood your design, the user chooses incrementally the fields to add to the 
query, thus the Collection.add(Object element) and Collection.remove(Object element) 
methods could be suitable in your case.

The Collection package offers also methods to convert Collections to array with the 
Collection.toArray() (or Collection.toArray(object[] array) methods).

This way your method has to define only one argument (a Collection) and you can play 
with it from within your method.

Hope it will help,



From: "David Erickson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Quick Java question..
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 16:00:12 -0600
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Hey as I've been building my actions I was thinking it could be useful for
me to have a method that does some database querying, but I would like to
give the user the ability to narrow down that query with as many input
fields as he needs.  Is there a way to write a method that takes a non-set
amount of arguments?  (Other than just passing the method a growable array..
which is a viable alternative)


public String myfunction(String a, String b, String c.... on down the line

I thought I had seen this done somewhere somehow but I may be wrong.

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