I am having a problem with validating a html:select drop down.  I think.

The problem: after validation fails the JSP is blank (the browser is blank)
not just an empty drop down.  To be more specific...I load the page then
without filling out any field I do a submit.  It then does the javascript
validation (I am only doing a required validation on one field at the
moment) and displays the alert box.  I click ok and then it appears the it
then tries to do the server-side validation and fails.  When it comes back
instead of seeing the same page with the added validation messages rendered,
it renders a blank screen.  When I view source it shows the code prior to
the html:javascript tag and then cuts off about 2/3 of the way through the
validation JavaScript's.  There is nothing to render after that.

I thought my problem was related to some of the posts about the drop down
not repopulating because when I comment out the lines with the bean:define
and html:options that it then comes back from the validation failure with
the correct view (instead of blank as mentioned above).  But of course the
drop down is empty because I commented out the lines to populate it.  I
tried a few of those suggestion but could not get the page to display with
those lines uncommented.

One thing that may be worth mention is that I get the list for the drop down
with a "public List getAdjustTypes()" on the form.  I could use some help at
this point (well I always need help) since my brain just short circuited
about 20 minutes ago.

Here is my code:

-----------------------------------------------------------  The
SP  -----------------------------------------------------------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
  "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld" prefix="tiles" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/czee-tags.tld" prefix="cz" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/c.tld" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>

<script language="JavaScript" src="<html:rewrite
<script language="JavaScript" src="<html:rewrite
page='/pages/dt_select.js'/>" ></script>
<script language="JavaScript">
function cancelAdjustment(form) {
      form.action='<html:rewrite page="/checkCancel.do" />';
<html:javascript formName="checkAdjustmentForm" />

  <html:base />
        <title>Account Adjustment</title>
  <link href="<html:rewrite page='/pages/default.css'/>" rel="stylesheet"


  <html:form action="/checkRegisterAdjustSave" focus="checkMemo"
    <SCRIPT language="JavaScript">

    <html:hidden property="bankId" />
    <html:hidden property="objectId" />

    <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
        <td colspan="2" >
          <table width="100%">
            <tr ><td class="mainPageName"><bean:message
        <td colspan="2" class="mainTextCtr">
          <cz:label property="check.checkMemo" /><br/>
          <html:text styleClass="formTextField240" property="checkMemo"
maxlength="80" />
        <td class="mainTextLt">
          <cz:label property="check.adjust.type" /><br/>
          <bean:define id="adjustTypes" name="checkAdjustmentForm"
property="adjustTypes" />
          <html:select property="adjustType" styleClass="formTextField120" >
            <html:options collection="adjustTypes" property="value"
labelProperty="label" />
          </html:select><bean:message key="default.blankSpace" />
        <td class="mainTextLt">
          <cz:label property="check.checkAmount" /><br/>
          <html:text styleClass="formTextField120" property="checkAmount"
        <td colspan="2" class="mainTextCtr">
          <cz:label property="check.date" /><br/>
          <bean:message key="default.blankSpace" />
        <td colspan="2" class="mainTextCtr">
          <html:submit property="Search" styleClass="formSubmit" >
            <cz:label property="button.ok" />
          <bean:message key="default.blankSpace" />
          <c:set var="closeThis" >location.href='<html:rewrite
page='/checkCancel.do' />'</c:set>
          <html:button property="requiredButNotNeeded"
              <cz:label property="button.cancel" />
  <logic:messagesPresent >
    <bean:message key="errors.header" />
      <html:messages id="error" message="false" >
        <bean:message key="errors.prefix" />
          <bean:write name="error" /><br/>
        <bean:message key="errors.suffix" />
    <bean:message key="errors.footer" />

----  The Form  -----------------------------------------------------------
package com.mvsc.czee.forms.financial.check;

import com.mvsc.czee.business.financial.Journal;
import com.mvsc.czee.business.contacts.Contact;
import com.mvsc.czee.business.claims.Claimant;
import com.mvsc.czee.business.insured.Insured;
import com.mvsc.czee.business.bankAccount.BankAccount;
import com.mvsc.czee.persistence.Persistence;
import com.mvsc.czee.persistence.SearchObject;
import com.mvsc.czee.SymbolConstants;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.sql.SQLException;

import cirrus.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.struts.util.LabelValueBean;
import org.apache.struts.util.MessageResources;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.Action;

import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;

 * (enter description here)
 * <P>
 * Examples(s):
 * <PRE>
 *    Class clazz = new Class();
 *    clazz.doSomething();
 * </PRE>
 * <P>
 * $Revision: $ <BR/>
 * $Created: Aug 6, 2003 at 1:24:03 PM $
 * @author Richard Conover
 * @author Copyright © 2003 MountainView Software
public class CheckEditForm extends CheckDataForm implements SymbolConstants
  private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CheckEditForm.class);
  private static final String SQL_ERROR = "SQL Exception trying to lookup
linked info, class: ";
  private static final String HIBERNATE_ERROR = "Hibernate Exception trying
to lookup linked info, class: ";
  private static final String KEY_MESSAGE = ", key is: ";

  private String searchPayee;
  private String searchCheckNumberFrom;
  private String searchCheckNumberTo;
  private String searchCheckDateFrom;
  private String searchCheckDateTo;
  private String searchAmountFrom;
  private String searchAmountTo;
  private String searchZeroChecks;
  private String searchBankSelected;

  private String changesMade;

  private Iterator checkResults;

  //used when the uses voids or stops payment on a check
  private String reasonDesc;

  // display fields, which are the result of chasing the id links above
  private String claimantName;
  private String insuredName;
  private String contactName;
  //todo add benificiary
 // private String beneficiaryName;
  private String payee;     // derived based on which id is set
  private String payeeType;   // holds select value for payee type

  private String journalTypeName;

  private String adjustType;
  private String adjustTypeDesc;

  private String action;

  MessageResources messages;

  public String getAdjustType() {
    return adjustType;

  public void setAdjustType(String adjustType) {
    this.adjustType = adjustType;

  public String getAdjustTypeDesc() {
    return adjustTypeDesc;

  public void setAdjustTypeDesc() {
    if (this.getAdjustType() != null &&
!this.getAdjustType().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
      Journal.AdjustTypeCode type =
Journal.AdjustTypeCode.getAdjustTypeCode(new Integer(this.getAdjustType()));
      if (type != null) {   // get the string representation
        adjustTypeDesc = messages.getMessage(type.getAppKey());
      } else {              // none set yet, just zap it
        adjustTypeDesc = EMPTY_STRING;

  public String getJournalTypeName() {
    return journalTypeName;

  public void setJournalTypeName() {
    if (this.getJournalType() != null &&
!this.getJournalType().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
      Journal.JournalTypeCode type =
      if (type != null) {   // get the string representation
        journalTypeName = messages.getMessage(type.getAppKey());
      } else {              // none set yet, just zap it
        journalTypeName = EMPTY_STRING;

  public String getAction() {
    return action;

  public void setAction(String action) {
    this.action = action;

  public MessageResources getMessages() {
    return messages;

  public void setMessages(MessageResources messages) {
    this.messages = messages;

  public String getClaimantName() {
    return claimantName;

  public void setClaimantName(String claimantName) {
    this.claimantName = claimantName;

  public String getInsuredName() {
    return insuredName;

  public void setInsuredName(String insuredName) {
    this.insuredName = insuredName;

  public String getContactName() {
    return contactName;

  public void setContactName(String contactName) {
    this.contactName = contactName;

  public String getPayeeType() {
    return payeeType;

  public void setPayeeType(String payeeType) {
    this.payeeType = payeeType;

  public String getSearchPayee() {
    return searchPayee;

  public void setSearchPayee(String searchPayee) {
    this.searchPayee = searchPayee;

  public String getSearchCheckNumberFrom() {
    return searchCheckNumberFrom;

  public void setSearchCheckNumberFrom(String searchCheckNumberFrom) {
    this.searchCheckNumberFrom = searchCheckNumberFrom;

  public String getSearchCheckNumberTo() {
    return searchCheckNumberTo;

  public void setSearchCheckNumberTo(String searchCheckNumberTo) {
    this.searchCheckNumberTo = searchCheckNumberTo;

  public String getSearchCheckDateFrom() {
    return searchCheckDateFrom;

  public void setSearchCheckDateFrom(String searchCheckDateFrom) {
    this.searchCheckDateFrom = searchCheckDateFrom;

  public String getSearchCheckDateTo() {
    return searchCheckDateTo;

  public void setSearchCheckDateTo(String searchCheckDateTo) {
    this.searchCheckDateTo = searchCheckDateTo;

  public String getSearchAmountFrom() {
    return searchAmountFrom;

  public void setSearchAmountFrom(String searchAmountFrom) {
    this.searchAmountFrom = searchAmountFrom;

  public String getSearchAmountTo() {
    return searchAmountTo;

  public void setSearchAmountTo(String searchAmountTo) {
    this.searchAmountTo = searchAmountTo;

  public String getSearchZeroChecks() {
    return searchZeroChecks;

  public void setSearchZeroChecks(String searchZeroChecks) {
    this.searchZeroChecks = searchZeroChecks;

  public String getSearchBankSelected() {
    return searchBankSelected;

  public void setSearchBankSelected(String searchBankSelected) {
    this.searchBankSelected = searchBankSelected;

  public String getChangesMade() {
    return changesMade;

  public void setChangesMade(String changesMade) {
    this.changesMade = changesMade;

  public Iterator getCheckResults() {
    return checkResults;

  public void setCheckResults(Iterator checkResults) {
    this.checkResults = checkResults;

  public String getReasonDesc() {
    return reasonDesc;

  public void setReasonDesc(String reasonDesc) {
    this.reasonDesc = reasonDesc;

  public String getPayee() {
    return payee;

  public void setPayee() {
    // sets payee type, too
    Journal.PayeeType type = null;
    if (this.getContactId() != null &&
!this.getContactId().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
      Contact contact = (Contact) chaseLink(Contact.class,
      contactName = contact.getFirstName() + SPACE + contact.getLastName();
      payee = contactName;
      type = Journal.PayeeType.VENDOR;
    } else if (this.getClaimantId() != null &&
!this.getClaimantId().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
      Claimant claimant = (Claimant) chaseLink(Claimant.class,
      claimantName = claimant.getFirstName() + SPACE +
      payee = claimantName;
      type = Journal.PayeeType.CLAIMANT;
    } else if (this.getInsuredId() != null &&
!this.getInsuredId().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
      Insured insured = (Insured) chaseLink(Insured.class,
      insuredName = insured.getName();
      payee = insuredName;
      type = Journal.PayeeType.INSURED;
      //todo add benificiary
//    } else if (this.getBeneficiaryId() != null &&
!this.getBeneficiaryId().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
//      //Beneficiary beneficiary = (Beneficiary)
chaseLink(Beneficiary.class, this.getBeneficiaryId());
//      //beneficiaryName = beneficiary.getName();
//      beneficiaryName = EMPTY_STRING;//replace w/ above when ready
//      payee = beneficiaryName;
//      type = Journal.PayeeType.BENEFICIARY;
    } else {      // no Id set yet
      payee = EMPTY_STRING;
    if (type != null) {   // get the string representation
      payeeType = String.valueOf(type.getDbValue());
    } else {              // none set yet, just zap it
      payeeType = EMPTY_STRING;

   private static Object chaseLink(Class clazz, String id) {
    // lookup a data object based on the link passed in
    Object result = null;
    if (id != null && !id.equals(EMPTY_STRING)) { // there is an id
specified, get the object
      logger.debug("In lookup, class is: " + clazz.getName() + ", id is: " +
      Long key = new Long(id);
      try {
        result = Persistence.getInstance().load(clazz, key);
      } catch (SQLException e) {
        logger.error(SQL_ERROR + clazz.getName() + KEY_MESSAGE + key, e);
      } catch (HibernateException e) {
        logger.error(HIBERNATE_ERROR + clazz.getName() + KEY_MESSAGE + key,
    return result;

  public List getPayeeTypes() {
    List selectList = new ArrayList();    // the one we're building
    List enumList = Journal.PayeeType.getList();  // the enumeration
    ListIterator li = enumList.listIterator();
    while (li.hasNext()) {
      Journal.PayeeType type = (Journal.PayeeType) li.next();
      String translation = messages.getMessage(type.getAppKey());
      selectList.add(new LabelValueBean(translation,
    return selectList;

  public List getJournalTypes() {
    List selectList = new ArrayList();    // the one we're building
    List enumList = Journal.JournalTypeCode.getList();  // the enumeration
    ListIterator li = enumList.listIterator();
    while (li.hasNext()) {
      Journal.JournalTypeCode type = (Journal.JournalTypeCode) li.next();
      String translation = messages.getMessage(type.getAppKey());
      selectList.add(new LabelValueBean(translation,
    return selectList;

  public List getAdjustTypes() {
    List selectList = new ArrayList();    // the one we're building
    List enumList = Journal.AdjustTypeCode.getList();  // the enumeration
    ListIterator li = enumList.listIterator();
    while (li.hasNext()) {
      Journal.AdjustTypeCode type = (Journal.AdjustTypeCode) li.next();
      String translation = messages.getMessage(type.getAppKey());
      selectList.add(new LabelValueBean(translation,
    return selectList;

  public List getBankAccounts() throws SQLException, HibernateException  {
    List selectList = new ArrayList();    // the one we're building

    SearchObject searchObj = new SearchObject(BankAccount.class);

    List enumList = Persistence.getInstance().find(searchObj);   //all the
bank accounts

    ListIterator li = enumList.listIterator();
    while (li.hasNext()) {
      BankAccount bankAccount = (BankAccount) li.next();
      selectList.add(new LabelValueBean(bankAccount.getBankDescTxt(),
    return selectList;

  public void reset(ActionMapping actionMapping, ServletRequest
servletRequest) {
    messages =


---- The Action  -----------------------------------------------------------
package com.mvsc.czee.actions.financial.check;

import com.mvsc.czee.actions.RuleAction;
import com.mvsc.czee.business.financial.Journal;
import com.mvsc.czee.forms.financial.check.CheckEditForm;
import com.mvsc.utils.FormUtils;
import com.mvsc.utils.ForwardUtil;
import com.mvsc.utils.SessionUtils;
import com.mvsc.utils.SessionResourceException;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

 * (enter description here)
 * <P>
 * Examples(s):
 * <PRE>
 *    Class clazz = new Class();
 *    clazz.doSomething();
 * </PRE>
 * <P>
 * $Revision: $ <BR/>
 * $Created: Aug 19, 2003 at 3:03:08 PM $
 * @author Richard Conover
 * @author Copyright © 2003 MountainView Software
public class AccountAdjustmentNewAction extends RuleAction {
  private static Logger logger =
  private static String BANK_ID = "BankId";
  private static final String ACTION_STARTED = "AccountAdjustmentNewAction
  private static final String ACTION_COMPLETED = "AccountAdjustmentNewAction

  public ActionForward secureExecute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
                                     HttpServletRequest hreq,
HttpServletResponse hres) throws Exception {

    String result = SUCCESS;    // assume success

    // get the id that was passed to us from the search screen
    logger.debug("BankID: " + hreq.getParameter(BANK_ID));
    Long id = new Long(hreq.getParameter(BANK_ID));
    try {
      Journal journal = (Journal) SessionUtils.getAttribute(Journal.class,
null, null, hreq);
      //put the business object data in the checkEditForm
      CheckEditForm editForm = (CheckEditForm) form;
      FormUtils.copyBusinessToForm(journal, editForm);
      // get the message resource bundle for this request
      //set the bankid so it is forwarded to the save action
    } catch (SessionResourceException e) {  // out of resources
      result = FAILURE;


    return ForwardUtil.findForward(this, mapping, result);

--------------------------------------------------------------------  The
Struts Config
appings  -------------------------------------------------------

      <forward name="failure" path="/checkSessionList.do"/>
      <forward name="success" path="/pages/accountAdjustment.jsp"/>


      <forward name="success" path="/pages/close_window.jsp"/>

-----------------------------------------------------------------------  The
apping  --------------------------------------------------------------
     <form name="checkAdjustmentForm">
        <field property="checkMemo" depends="required">
          <arg0 key="check.checkMemo" />
<!--        <field property="adjustType" depends="required">-->
<!--          <arg0 key="check.adjust.type" />-->
<!--        </field>-->
<!--        <field property="checkAmount" depends="required">-->
<!--          <arg0 key="check.checkAmount" />-->
<!--        </field>-->
<!--        <field property="checkDate" depends="required">-->
<!--          <arg0 key="check.date" />-->
<!--        </field>-->


Richard Conover
MountainView Software Products and Services
Gallagher Bassett Services, Inc.
Phone: 801-544-2446 Ext. 320
Fax: 866-741-0545

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