Try struts layout, it is quite complete as far as display control is


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Seshadhri Srinivasan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 1:51 AM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: Struts custom tags tutorial 
> Hi Steve,
> Let me clarify:
>       I know some of the basic concepts of struts and I have 
> been using things like the Action class, the Form class etc. 
> But the point is, after having finished the work on the 
> backend logic, I have to present my data in the form of 
> tables on the page. Now the table dimensions, the colours 
> used, etc. can vary based on the data generated. So I wanted 
> to use custom Struts tags on the page where the table has to 
> be generated and displayed. Then I want to put my code 
> corresponding to these struts tags else where. This way the 
> logic to display the data will not be there on the JSP page. 
> This is my problem. I have tried to get the right tutorial 
> for this but my search has noy yielded the right results. Can 
> you please help me. 
> Thanks,
> Seshadhri Srinivasan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Raeburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:50 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Struts custom tags tutorial : urgent!!
> I do appreciate that when you are completely new to a subject 
> it can be difficult to know where to look. However, you'll 
> get a much more sympathetic response if you demonstrate that 
> you have at least tried to find things out for yourself 
> before asking for help.
> Start with the Struts web site:
>  -
>  -
>  -
> And also try Google:
>  -
>  -
> Also, there are at least seven books specifically on Struts 
> and several others that offer some coverage.
> <rant to="everyone that uses URGENT!! to get attention" 
> priority="URGENT!!">
>   Flagging your messages as URGENT!! gives the impression 
> that you somehow
>   think your problem is so important that others should stop 
> what they are
>   doing and tend to your needs. In reality, URGENT!! tends to get your
>   message ignored.
>   Please, don't use URGENT!! unless your house is on fire. 
> And even then
>   you'd probably be better off calling the fire service than 
> emailing me :-) </rant>
> Steve

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Seshadhri Srinivasan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: August 25, 2003 10:30 PM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: Struts custom tags tutorial : urgent!!
> Hi,
> I have a JSP page in which I am supposed to add content dynamically 
> based on some logic. I came to know that using custom struts tags in 
> the jsp page can
> aid in making the presentation logic modular. However I have no idea of
> custom Struts tags. Can some one suggest a good tutorial to cover up this
> portion as quickly as possible?
> Thanks in advance
> Seshadhri Srinivasan
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