IntelliJ costs $500 now. When I bought it was $200. That given I would still spend $500 on this tool as it is the only ide I've ever used (was always a textpad & macro kind of guy). If you're a contractor it will pay for itself in the first month by time saved. It's about the only software tool I pay for.

The refactoring and autocompletion tools have saved hours of my life.


Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: J2EE IDE
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 16:28:12 +0100

I've tried to avoid getting sucked in, but here I go...

Isn't IntelliJ a commercial product? From what I can work out
form their web site, it's a $500 licence for version 3.0 (cheaper
if you qualify for an academic licence). Eclipse is free.

One thing that Eclipse does lack (surprisingly) is support for
XML (although the XMLBuddy plug-in does an OK job), and J2EE.
Having said that, most of my development work is done with
XDoclet, so the lack of J2EE support is not a big issue.

The thing that really makes Eclipse appeal to me is that it
integrates with CVS and ClearCase (among others), so I can
check in/out within the environment, has various SQL plug-ins
so I can work with the db, JBoss IDE so I can start/stop/
debug into my app server, etc.


PS These comments are personal and do not reflect the views or
opinions of my employer, whose standard disclaimer undoubtedly
appears below...

Danny Yates

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