Hi Robert
you seem to be fairly confident of the circumstances so I would suggest, barring any other response on this list (I'm sorry but I don't know enough to help any further), that you log this in bugzilla and / or post it to the struts-dev list.

Good luck,

On 08/30/2003 07:03 PM Robert Taylor wrote:
Adam, thanks for the reply but upgrading won't help in this case.
I've already looked at the source for the full 1.1 release and this
issue is not addressed.

Also, I'm not using Tomcat, I'm using ServletExec4.2 with the latest patch.
The servlet container has nothing to do with this problem.

It is fairly evident that the problem is that the response is being written
to after it has been committed. I've suggested a workaround and might
implement it.

I just wanted to know if this issue has been addressed.

I don't necessarily think it is the responsibility of the RequestProcessor
to check to see if the response has already been committed before writing to
but as more and more plugin's are added (TilesRequestProcessor,
SecureRequestProcessor, etc...)
it may become necessary to check for this condition.

If I'm missing something obvious, please let me know.


-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 9:45 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [OT] sslext java.lang.IllegalStateException: sendError()
failed - data has already been sent to client

It might sound like Microsoft Support Hotline, but you should upgrade to the full 1.1 release. Plus of interest would be the tomcat version.

On 08/29/2003 11:22 PM Robert Taylor wrote:

I'm using Struts1.1rc2 with sslext for Struts1.1rc2 and am seeing some
peculiar behavior
when an invalid path is requested.

What should happen is the RequestProcessor.processMapping()

should recognize

there is no action mapping for the path, log a message, and send an 400
(Invalid Request) response
directly back to the client.

That's what is happening here.
10156: Aug 29, 2003 4:53:36 PM org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor
SEVERE: Invalid path /something was requested

But what happens is that SecureRequestProcess.preProcess() invokes RequestProcessor.processMapping() which logs the above error message, then returns null. SecureRequestProcessor then returns true because no mapping was found. Then RequestProcessor invokes its own


which is when the
IllegalStateException is thrown because the response has already been

10156: Aug 29, 2003 4:53:36 PM org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor
SEVERE: Invalid path /something was requested
10156: ServletExec: caught exception - java.lang.IllegalStateException:
sendError() failed - data has already
been sent to client
10156: java.lang.IllegalStateException: sendError() failed - data has
already been sent to client
10156:  at


10156: at

org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processMapping(RequestPr ocessor.ja

10156:  at

org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(RequestProcessor .java:242)

10156:  at
10156:  at
10156:  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:740)
10156:  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
10156:  at

com.newatlanta.servletexec.ServletExec.CallServletService(ServletE xec.java:1

10156:  at

com.newatlanta.servletexec.SERequestDispatcher.forwardServlet(SERe questDispa

10156:  at

com.newatlanta.servletexec.SERequestDispatcher.forward(SERequestDi spatcher.j

10156:  at

com.newatlanta.servletexec.ApplicationInfo.processApplRequest(Appl icationInf

10156:  at

com.newatlanta.servletexec.ServerHostInfo.processApplRequest(Serve rHostInfo.

10156:  at

com.newatlanta.servletexec.ServletExec.ProcessRequest(ServletExec. java:1235)

10156: at

com.newatlanta.servletexec.ServletExec.ProcessRequest(ServletExec. java:1113)

I'm assuming that this exception is trapped, because I get the

expected page

back in the browser.
Should I be worried about this? One possible work around would

be to check

to see if the
response has already been commited before attempting to write

to it. I'm not

sure how that would
impact the rest of the logic in the RequestProcessor.


PS. I've created a test web app which duplicates the behavior described
above. If I remove
processorClass="org.apache.struts.action.SecureRequestProcessor"/> from
then I don't see the exception stack trace.

BTW: Below is a snippet of code from RequestProcessor where the

exception is

being thrown:

// No mapping can be found to process this request
log.error(getInternal().getMessage("processInvalid", path));
response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST,       //

<===== Here

getInternal().getMessage("processInvalid", path));

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