Commons BeanUtils 1.6.1
Commons Collections 2.1
Commons Digester 1.5
Commons FileUpload 1.0
Commons Lang 1.0.1
Commons Logging 1.0.3
Commons Validator 1.0.2

Quoting Andrew Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Ive been trying to find out the versions of the commons libraries bundled
> with Struts 1.1 Final, but haven't found where its definitively documented
> (links welcome please!)
> I went through the various manifest files and got this, but Im not sure how
> up to date the manifests are:
> struts 1.1 (Yeh. Ok. Im pretty confident about this one... ;->)
> commons-beanutils 1.6
> commons-collections 2.1
> commons-digester 1.5
> commons-fileupload 1.0
> commons-lang 1.0
> commons-logging 1.0.3
> commons-validator 1.0.2
> Is this correct?

Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <>

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