Nest the tag within <html:html xhtml="true"></html:html> or put
<html:xhtml/> before the base tag.


--- Marco Tedone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I found myself visiting the following site:
> I'm using JSP with tiles and actually running the validation through
> this
> site has been very useful. At the end I solved all the problems but one:
> <!-- BEGIN of XHTML validation -->
> Below are the results of attempting to parse this document with an SGML
> parser.
> Line 14, column 56: end tag for "base" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was
> specified
>     <base href="";>
>                                                           ^
> Line 14, column 2: start tag was here (explain...).
>     <base href="";>
>     ^
> <!-- END of XHTML validation -->
> In my listing I use the <html:base > (I tried also <html:base /> without
> success) but the rendered element is still as follows:
> <base href="";>
> which for the validator is an error.
> Any idea on how could I solve this problem?
> Thanks,
> Marco
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