You can use the struts-el taglib in the contrib directory.  That allows
you to use EL in the Struts tags.


--- "Denis @ Betterway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I have a problem where I want to use a map backed form and I basically
> want
> to do this:
>                      <c:forEach items="${pDesc}" var="prop">
>                         <tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
>                           <td align="left" class="normal" width="101">
>                             <c:out value="${prop.key}"/>
>                           </td>
>                           <td class="normal" width="149">
>                             <html:text property="property(<c:out
> value="${prop.key}"/>) />
>                           </td>
>                         </tr>
>                         </c:forEach>
> I can't nest tags like that though, so is there another way to do this?
> Thanks,
> Denis
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