And theres a 3rd option: in a filter, though overriding the RequestProcessor
should serve just as well in this case.
(Forget the ActionServlet option unless your using struts 1.0.2)

-----Original Message-----
From: Seyhan BASMACI (Internet Yazilimlari Yetkilisi)
Sent: Friday, 5 September 2003 16:21
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: releasing session variables using a generic way without giving
control to the developer

I have to many programs in my applicaiton ,
to call each program, url syntax is   /
also most of my programs has more than one page ,
most of programs store some part of data in session for security reasons,
what I need is I must clear user stored session data when the PAGE is
default , to free session and to set initial to everthing,,

I can do this inside action class by checking page variable is default ,
then clear all user stores data,,
this method has some disadvantages such as if developer forgets to check
page is defaut , we have encounter with memory problem,,

I havent decided where is the correct place to do ,
I think there may be two correct place to do this,
first is by extending actionservlet class , check page variable and free
latter is extending requestprocessor class , check page variable and free

any recommendation or exprience will be helpfull for me,,

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