Hi all,

I have a J2EE application using struts and JSP to build the view to my 
I have a session facade bean which returns me ValueObject of my beans.
For instance I have a GroupValue object which represents data of my local 

I made a ActionForm as follows (GroupForm.java):

import nl.xbase.group.value.GroupValue;
import nl.xbase.management.struts.action.BaseForm;

 * @author harm
 * @struts.form
 *              name = "groupForm"
public class GroupForm extends BaseForm {
        private GroupValue groupValue = new GroupValue();
         * @return
        public GroupValue getGroupValue() {
                return groupValue;

         * @param value
        public void setGroupValue(GroupValue value) {
                groupValue = value;


I also have an Action which displays all groups. I put them in a 
Collection and return the collection to the JSP.
I use the iterator tag to iterate through those groups as follows:

<logic:iterate id="groupValue" name="groups" property="groups">
<html:form action="/editgroup.do" method="post">
        <html:hidden property="groupId" name="groupValue"/>
        <bean:write name="groupValue" property="groupName"/>

As you can see I call /editgroup.do in this form, which expects an 
GroupForm as input.
Therefore I need to set the property groupValue.groupId of the GroupForm.
But I don't know how to do this. The only way I can think of is to include 
a private String id in the GroupForm. But this seems to be redunnant.

Is there some other way? Or what is a good way to tackle this problem?

Many Thanks,

Harm de Laat
The Netherlands

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