Hi guys,

as you'll probably know, I'm realizing a utility to realize a search in a
web site using Struts and Tiles. I'm nearly there. The only problem I've got
is that the indexed pages are the one containing actually the content (let's
say contenta-body.jsp, contentb-body.jsp), while the pages mapped against a
Forward are usually JSPs which define a Tiles definition (i.e. named
contenta.jsp, content.jsp), which, therefore, are empty.

Now, I would need, starting from a JSP with content defined in the
tiles-definition configuration file, to retrieve the page to which it
belongs to. For instance:

contenta-body.jsp -> contenta.jsp
contentb-body.jsp -> contentb.jsp

I presume that, like struts configuration information can be retrieved from
the ModuleConfig object, than the tiles-definition information can be
retrieved in some TilesConfig object.

I would need access to Tiles API and possibly documentation, but I don't
know if this is part of the Struts project, or a project itself, and where
to find eventually code and Javadoc.

Could please someone give me advise on it?



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