Hi Richard,
you should ask this on the taglib-user list. If people don't stick to one list, it makes twice as much work to search the archives, which I find a PITA anyway.

With my crude knowledge of jstl I would do this:

<c:set var="stuff"><%=bean.getValueNum(test) %></set>
<c:out value="${stuff}"/>

People on taglibs-user might know a better way. I cc'd them.


On 09/11/2003 06:10 AM Richard Raquepo wrote:
i have a bean that has this gettter method


public String getValueNum(String param){


using struts tag i can call it like:
<bean:write name="bean" value="valueNum(test)"/>

and it will works.

now i can't seem to figure out how can i do that using jstl.

i need your expert advice on this very simple problem that i can't seem to hack.


-- struts 1.1 + tomcat 4.1.27 + java 1.4.2 Linux 2.4.20 RH9

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