I have this code in my jsp page:

          <logic:iterate id="elem" name="annList">
              <logic:equal name="elem" property="status"  value="0" >
                <td class="text" ><bean:write name="elem"
property="annCreated" /></td>
                <td class="text" ><bean:write name="elem"
property="filnavn" /></td>
                <td class="text" ><html:radio property="checked"
idName="elem" value="annID"/></td>
              <logic:equal name="elem" property="status"  value="10" >
                <bean:define id="username" name="UserContainer"
scope="session" property="user.username" />
                <logic:equal name="elem" property="caseworker" 
value="<%= (String) username %>" >
                  <td class="text" ><bean:write name="elem"
property="annCreated" /></td>
                  <td class="text" ><bean:write name="elem"
property="filnavn" /></td>
                  <td class="text" ><html:radio property="checked"
idName="elem" value="annID"/></td>
                <logic:notEqual name="elem" property="caseworker" 
value="<%= (String) username %>" >
                  <td class="textdis" ><bean:write name="elem"
property="annCreated" /></td>
                  <td class="textdis" ><bean:write name="elem"
property="filnavn" /></td>
                  <td class="textdis" ><bean:write name="elem"
property="caseworker" /></td>

But this just gives me an error message telling me that "cannot resolve

symbol  : variable username"
But this variable has been defined, hasn't it??

Any suggestions?



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