The bit you're looking for is in web.xml,


This means your is in:


were it the case that you wanted things different like




Usually properties files would live with your source, so as far as putting them anywhere is concerned you'd usually have them where you source code is.




And they are copied with everything else when you build your project.

Cheers Mark

On Monday, September 15, 2003, at 04:56 PM, Mariano García wrote:

Hi all,

Where I have to put property files? I am using Tomcat and Struts. I suppose
I have to put them in WEB-INF directory, but my application cannot find
them. Maybe I have to add something in struts-config.xml

Could you help me, please?


Mariano García

Ingeniero de Sistemas
Optiva Media
Viriato,25 - 28010 Madrid - España
t. +34 91 445 96 95
m. +34 651 03 33 86

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