If you simply do a

return mapping.findForward( new ActionForward("foo.do") );

your request will be forwarded to the new action with the existing
ServletRequest object in tact.  i.e. everything will just work.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Morten Andersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 4:09 PM
Subject: re-invoke request after authentication

> I've implemented my own authentication mechanism using Struts and it works
> fine, but I have to use the request.attributes instead of
> request.getParameters because the parameterMap is immutable.
> Another way i'm thinking about is to redirect the user to the restricted
> action after login.
> So that the following happens:
> The user request an action that requires login.
> If the user is not logged in, then he is sent to a login-page.
> He fills in the login-form.
> The login-form content is sent to the login action.
> If he may enter, then he is sent to the page that he initially required,
> with all the information he tryed to sent in the first place.
> So I need to write a string with all the information, that the user sent
> the first place, so that I can write something like:
> <body onload="location.href='<bean:write
> />' >
> Is there an easy way of implementing that?
> Morten Andersen
> Master of applied mathematics and computer science
> Research assistant (in e-learning)
> The Maersk Institute of Production technology at Southern Danish
> www.mip.sdu.dk
> Campusvej 55
> DK-5230 Odense M
> Denmark
> +45 6550-3654
> +45 6171-1103
> Jabber id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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