Perhaps this link might help you :

Adam Fisk wrote:

Thanks for getting back to me.  I'm unfortunately still at a bit of loss
here -- I'm right at the beginning of writing my first web app, so I
think there's something I'm missing.  When I posted yesterday, the
execute(...) method of my Action subclass had simply:

return (mapping.findForward("results"));

This caused the error I posted.  After reading your post, I first changed
this to simply:

return null;

I was wishfully thinking that the redirect would magically happen based
on the struts-config settings, but this simply resulted in nothing
happening at all.  Finally, I tried changing it to:

       String contextPath = request.getContextPath();
       String redirectUrl = contextPath + "/faces/results.jsp";
       return null;

This, however, resulted in the same error I posted yesterday.  Sorry for
my complete lack of experience here, and thanks in advance for anyone's
help.  What seemingly should be obvious continues to elude me =).


On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 02:21:53 -0700, "Daniel Wang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Looks like you printed something to the response before you try to do the


----- Original Message ----- From: "Adam Fisk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 9:02 PM
Subject: getting redirect to work -- easy one?

Hopefully this is an easy one for someone to answer. I'm simply trying to
set up an action-mapping that performs a redirect instead of a forward.
If I use the following xml in struts-config.xml (I'm using
**struts-faces**), then everything "works":


I get an error if I change the forward to be a redirect, however, as in:

<action path="/search" type="com.wheels.struts.SearchAction" name="searchForm" scope="request" input="search"> <forward name="results" path="faces/results.jsp" redirect="true" /> </action>

The error I get is:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot forward after response has been

Any thoughts on this one? Is there something I need to change in my
Action class to properly redirect instead of forward? Something in
struts-config.xml??  I read earlier posts about creating an
ActionRedirect subclass of ActionForward, but it seems like this should
not be necessary.  Keep in mind I'm using struts-faces -- not sure if
that makes a difference.

Thanks very much.

 Adam Fisk

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