On Sat, 20 Sep 2003, Jing Zhou wrote:

> Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2003 13:01:08 -0500
> From: Jing Zhou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>      Jing Zhou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Servlet Path & Path Info on Weblogic 8.1 vs. Struts
> Hi,
> Recently we tested Carrier on Weblogic 8.1 and found that
> Weblogic interprets servlet path and path info differently
> from what Struts expects.
> Here are our settings for an application module. The context
> path is /guide, the module prefix is /training.org, and one of
> action paths is /math1.do (representing a testing web form).
> Of course, the extension mapping is used (*.do).
> The request URI is /guide/training.org/math1.do, as
> agreed by both Struts and Weblogic. But, in Struts,
> the servlet path is /training.org/math1.do and
> path info is null. While in Weblogic, the servlet path is
> /training.org and path info is /math1.do.
> Having a different interpretation than Struts, Weblogic 8.1
> completely messes up the mechanism in Struts that
> identifies application modules. We always find the default
> module because after stripping off the prefix /training.org
> in its servlet path, empty string is the left.
> The behaviors of Weblogic are consistent for all such
> request URIs in our testing. Does anyone make a
> multi-module web application working on Weblogic 8.1
> based on extension mapping? It is hard to believe this is
> a bug in Weblogic 8.1, is this a legal interpretation
> from the perspective of Java Servlet Specification?

Looks like an incorrect interpretation to me.  In Section 4.4 there are
descriptions of what the path elements are supposed to be, and in
particular an example where the context path is "/catalog" and there is a
"*.jsp" mapping:

  Request URI:      /catalog/help/feedback.jsp

  Context Path:     /catalog
  Servlet Path:     /help/feedback.jsp
  Path Info:        (null)

As you can see, this is exactly analogous to the case you describe.

Just out of curiousity, does it still fail if you change your module path
("/training.org") to something that does not include a period in it?  The
WebLogic servlet container might be getting confused by what looks like an
extension there.

> Jing
> Netspread Carrier
> http://www.netspread.com


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