Richard Tomlinson wrote:

I don't use tiles but this does sound like a bug. If your aren't looking at the nightly
Struts 1.2 source code grab a copy from CVS
or the nightly build
Wait another day or so for responses then file a Bugilla bug report.
[Some of us here in the U.S .lost power for a few days, and are just now
getting back on line, and it may take a few days to get caught up on e-mail.]

Delving into the Tiles source has revealed that its not Struts friendly when it comes to dealing with exceptions.

In a Struts environment you ideally want to specify a global error handler so that any exception, be it Struts, JSP or application, is gracefully handled and the user is presented with the usual 'Sorry, an error has occured'. However, when using Tiles this functionality doesnt seem possible.

Within the InsertTag class, doEndTag() method, all Exceptions are caught and reported by squirting a message out to the JSP writer. This prevents any handling by the Struts framework and results in a nasty, user unfriendly message appearing within the page.

Has anyone addressed this problem? Is there a fix in the pipeline for Tiles so that the error handling can be either internal to Tiles or bubbled out to the encompassing framework?


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