No problem. You can have the URL that you pass to the be a struts action 
that does the search, if you can arrange for the search criteria to be in session or 
passed as parameters to the URL. 

If you are on the search criteria page and you must submit that to get the search 
criteria, then you can have your submit action forward back to the search page and 
have the search page contain some conditional java script in the <body onload= ...> 
that open the window (which will do the search) and show the results.


-----Original Message-----
From: Todor Sergueev Petkov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 9:34 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: ?open new browser window after struts action

Hello everybody,

I have a search page with a few fields and two buttons : search, clear
Search is supposed to query for some data in the database. Clear to 
reset all form fields to "".

How can I do the following:
1. If user presses search -> SearchAction gets results from search -> 
open popup window -> display search results in the popup window.
2. If user presses clear -> clear form fields -> redisplay the search page.

I have a problem figuring out how to open a popup just after 
SearchAction completes...

Thanks a lot,

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