This issue was discussed in two different threads last week:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg81101.html

and also in a post called "action form design question" which i am having
trouble bringing up b/c of the very generic subject line ;)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John C Cartwright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: What's an ActionForm? - best practice?

> Hello All,
> I just want to confirm what seems to be alluded to in some of the
> documentation regarding ActionForms.
> Is it appropriate or recommended to have properties in an ActionForm
> that are not to be taken from the request?
> For instance, I'm using my ActionForm to "carry" data from the Action
> back to the JSP.  These data originated in the business object, not the
> request, and are held in beans themselves.
> I'm assuming that this is a better strategy than simply putting the
> business object-supplied beans into the request or session scopes.
> Thanks for the advice!
> -- john
> Ted Husted wrote:
> > When discussing patterns, like "View Helper" and "Context", it's
> > important to remember that these are *patterns* not architectural
> > elements. In an implementation, a class will often use several patterns.
> >
> > An ActionForm is both a Context and a View Helper. It's a Context when
> > the Request Processor passes it to the Action, and a View Helper when
> > the ActionServlet passes it back to the Server Page.
> >
> >  From a Core J2EE Patterns Catalog perspective, Struts is most like a
> > Service to Worker. It combines several simpler patterns, like Front
> > Controller, Application Controller, and View Helper. But in each case,
> > more than one class is used to fulfill each of these roles. The
> > ActionServlet and Request Processor serve as the Front Controller, the
> > ActionMappings and Actions comprise an Application Controller, and the
> > ActionForm and Server Page (with any associated taglibs or tools) act as
> > the View Helper.
> >
> > An ActionForm may represent *input* that a business object requires, but
> > an ActionForm is not itself a business object. As it stands, Actions and
> > ActionForms are coupled to Struts and the web layer and should not
> > thought of as proper business classes.
> >
> > For more about ActionForms generally, see
> >
> >
> >
> > and
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -Ted.
> >
> > Yansheng Lin wrote:
> >
> >> In J2EE pattern catalog, where does an ActionForm Bean fit in?  I
> >> thought it was
> >> a Business Object, but then what is a view helper and a context
> >> object?  A
> >> decorator?
> >>
> >> Thanks!
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> =====================================================
> John Cartwright
> Associate Scientist
> Geospatial Data Services Group
> CIRES, National Geophysical Data Center/NOAA
> (303) 497-6284
> =====================================================
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