Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

Bryce Fischer wrote:

How do i assign different title for each page using tiles. Following is my tile layout which has title "My Site Name". And it has Header, Side Menu, BODY, Footer.
Should i have <title></title> in each BODY jsp ?

Is there any short cut to get the page name and over ride the main layout title ?


Put this in your header:

<title><tiles:getAsString name="title"/></title>

Now, in your tiles-def.xml file, put this:

   <definition extends="default.layout" name="browse.costcenters">
       <put name="title" value="BIS-Web Browse Cost Centers"/>
       <put name="body-content" value="/custom/browse-costcenters.jsp"/>

I'm almost embarrassed to ask this :-), but is there a way to localize the replacement title?

Not directly that I know of.

However, I put the resource key for the page in the tiles definition eg

<put name="title" value="" type="String"/>

Then you can use this to write out the localised page title in the JSP page:

        <tiles:importAttribute name="title"/>
        <bean:message name="title"/>

Craig McClanahan

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Jason Lea

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