Hi swanand
thanks for ur very quick reply.

just guide me ...
What should i do if the following code not working and not getting redirected to 

On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 Abhijeet Mahalkar wrote :
>When invoke the jsp using
>URL and when i submit the page trhu submit button the URL gets 
>changed to following will anybody tell me why? and what is ".do" 
>stands for? where do we make the entry of this.?
>is it the action mapping we are using in struts -config.xml file 

* YES, infact it is. when you give a url like usergroupmaster.do 
is looks in to the struts-config.xml and matches the path 

After the matching ActionUserGroupMaster class is used to 
accomplish the task using some helper classes/beans etc and 
depending on the the return value (success,failure etc) 
corresponding page is called (success.jsp, failure.jsp etc).

Hope it helps

-- swan

>  <action
>          path="/usergroupmaster"
>          type="ActionUserGroupMaster"
>          name="UserGroupMasterActionForm"
>          scope="request"
>          validate="false"
>          input="/pages/UserGroupMaster.jsp" 
>       <forward name="success" path="/pages/success.jsp"/>
>      <forward name="failure" path="/pages/failure.jsp"/>
>      <forward name="usergroupmaster" 
>      </action>

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