I use it because it is much easier to maintain. 

If the front-end (JSP) needs to be updated only,
I can do that without accidentally messing with
the underlying business logic.

Conversely, if the business rules change (and
they always do...), I can change them without
worrying about having to change the front end.

Recently, It Was Decided that we would all move
to MS-SQL as the standard DB. This will be 
relatively easy, because the DB-accessing code
is isolated from the display and control.


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 11:53 PM
Subject: Reasons for using Struts

What are the reasons for using Struts?
That is what are the Reasons for which Struts would be a more suitable
choice than say plain JSP/Servlet?



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