I'm just starting with Struts and have gotten myself stuck already :)  I'm
building a login application.  In the LoginAction, depending on what username
and password were entered, the user is forwarded to one of 5 possible pages. 
However, from this point on, xx/login.do is always in the URL address bar, and
if the user ever refreshes the page, the LoginAction runs again.  Since we do
not allow concurrent logins, this boots the user out of the application.

So my question is how do I prevent LoginAction from ever running again, once
the user has been forwarded to the next page? I've tried adding various
redirects between the LoginAction and the following page, but nothing seems to
work.  Even if the user logs out and then uses the back button, the username
and password is still held in the request, and they can then login again just
be refreshing the page.  Is this happening because the user is never more than
a single page/request from Login?  How can I prevent this?



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