I STILL can't make this thing work!

Here's the code from my JSP page:

<display:table name="TabBean.counts" defaultsort="1">
  <display:column property="value" title="Value" sortable="true"/>
  <display:column property="count" title="Count" sortable="true"
      decorator="gov.bls.idcf.freqs.struts.CountDec" />

Debug print in my Java code shows that the "counts" property (an array list)
is being retrieved, and iterated through. For each member of "counts", the
"value" and "count" properties are being retrieved, and the decorator is
being properly called for "count". But I have no table. Instead I have this

Root cause of ServletException
        at org.displaytag.tags.TableTag.doEndTag(TableTag.java:752)
        at jsp_servlet._content.__tabpage._jspService(__tabpage.java:322)
        at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(JspBase.java:27)

Etc, etc. It doesn't say WHAT method it can't find. What might be the
problem here?

Tim Slattery

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