+1 (#1).


--- Brandon Goodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> #1
> Reasons:
> -Dynas massive struts configs are annoying and the runtime errors
> bite.
> -DynaForm time saving is insignificant (how long does it take for your
> ide to generate getters/setters?).
> -Refactoring is easier is traditional ActionForms
> -Also, for all the time that you spend restarting your tomcat for each
> change you make to the config you could make changes to a hard class
> more easily and let the classloader reaload it instead of the whole
> container.
> -An ActionForm is more cleanly organized in package structures (not
> configs).
> -DynaForms also have limitations in regards to the use of LazyList
> -DynaForms also make extending more difficult
> -DynaForms also don't have traditional getters and setter for the times
> that you want to insert code into them (personally, I use them quite
> often cuz I don't like huge Action classes)
> That said... I am not completely anti Dyna. I just don't see the value
> in using them for everything. I've used them for my whole app and didn't
> find them that useful. But, I have used them in niche cases where I
> wanted to enhance chained action classes (see http://strutschaining.org/
> ). But, even that can be solved with a mapped back form.
> IMAO - I do not see the case for DynaForms. But, I am willing to be
> convinced.
> Brandon Goodin
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