On 30/09/2003 23:09 Mick Knutson wrote:
sorry for the OT message...
I have been suggested to add -Xrs to JAVA_OPTS to help with Catalina
shutting down on me after 30 minutes of inactivity.
Do I just add JAVA_OPTS=-Xrs to my global profile in /etc/profile and
Catalina will automatically add those arguments?

Only if you're launching it from a user shell (which will have read /etc/profile as part of the log-in sequence). If you've set it up as init'd service, I doubt that /etc/profile is read (certainly non RH Linux which I use). It might be better to edit startup.sh or something which calls it.


Paul Thomas
| Thomas Micro Systems Limited | Software Solutions for the Smaller Business |
| Computer Consultants | http://www.thomas-micro-systems-ltd.co.uk |

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