
This is my litle problem

I make a sample in struts that register data from the users, this 
data is save in one table ("Users"), the JSP have a field 
call "Cargo" (I'm from southamerica - cargo is like a ocupation), in 
this field the user enter the ocupation manualy, but now I want that 
the user select the Cargo(ocupation - this ocupations are in another 
table) from a combo, I can show the combobox with the data from de 
table ocupations using a bean and the tag html:select.

<jsp:useBean id="cargo" class="beans.Cargos" scope="request"/>

<html:select name='cargo' property="nombre" >
        <html:option value="0">--select--</html:option>
        <html:optionsCollection name='cargo' label='nombre' 
value='codigo' property='cargos' />

but now I cant recive tha value selected in the combo in my User 
form. I think that the problem was the value of the atribute property 
of tha select tag, but when i change the value of the property 
entering a name of the variable for my user form occurs a error, 
because property just accept the name of a variable of my Cargo bean.

Whats is the problem with this???

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