
I have a Swing app where the SwingView implements the view interface and has
a method duplicateException(String s).

In the SwingView it is implemented as

public void duplicateException(String duplicateName)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "That would result in a duplicate
Channel", "Duplicate Channel",    

So if the business layer finds a duplicate it can inform the presentation
layer.  I am wondering how this would map on Struts?

Using Struts, if I have an ActionForm implement the view interface, how
would it create an ActionError or ActionMessage?  It seems that from an
ActionForm the validate() method can do it, and an Action can do it but is
it possible to create an ActionError and save it from my
duplicateException() method?

Could I perhaps have my duplicateException() method add to collection
variable in the ActionForm and then have the validate() method check that
collection and generate the required ActionErrors?  

Any thoughts?


Shane Mingins
Analyst Programmer
Assure NZ Ltd
Ph 644 494 2522

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