I do not disagree about the research part at all. I know it will take a
researcher on my staff a great deal of time to maintain, but it is never
the less, a needed feature. I just thought that most Countries have a
fairly well formatted number. And mostly I am taking about supporting
N.&S. America, Western Europe only. Later look at the far East.

You may be able to accomplish what you want using localized forms and
the mask rule in the validator.  Assuming that your default
language/country is en_US (a parochial assumption, I know), your
validation.xml might contain bits like the following:

  <form name="userInfo">
    <field property="telephone" depends="mask">
        <var-value>^\(?(\d{3})\)?[-| ]?(\d{3})[-| ]?(\d{4})$</var-value>

<formset language="en" country="GB">
  <form name="userInfo">
    <field property="telephone" depends="mask">
        <var-value>--a regexp for British phone numbers -- sorry, never
been :)--</var-value>

...and so on for each language/country.  Your researchers would have to
provide you the masks for each country, and, as you add counties, you
would add their formsets to validation.xml.  A standalone validation
rule might be more convenient, but this sort of approach might do the
job for you.  The struts-validator example webapp has a couple of sample
forms that perform locale-specific validations.


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