here is the clue.

cookies are again of two types.

+ persistent - will remain there even if you close browser and opens next
+ non-persistent/session - the moment you close browser window they are
gone. These also work only under child browser windows.

So, i assume you are looking for session cookies.

If you love URL rewriting, you can disable the user session after 10 minutes
of inactivity. Depends on how much pain would you like to take for it and
how secure you wish your application to be.

Navjot Singh

>Hi navjot,
>Thanks for the reply...But the problem with url rewriting is that
>jsessionid is maintained across browsers so that users can access
>the application if they get the url..[even on other system the
>application work if u get the url] is there any other option???
>Navjot Singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>theoretcially, there are 3 ways.
>1. URL Rewriting
>2. Client side Cookies
>3. Server side Session (again use cookies but just for an ID)
>if you are adamant about not using cookies at any level. URL rewriting is
>the only option left.
>any other?
>navjot singh
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Prashanth.S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 1:30 PM
>>Subject: urlrewriting Vs Cookies
>>Hi all,
>>i want to know that among urlrewriting and cookies,which one is
>>better???If i dont want to use cookies is there any otherway to do
>>session invalidation[other than url rewriting]..Iam using resin.
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