I've got a pretty typical workflow (1.1):

1. UI (JSP) sets up query parameters
2. ActionForm validates input
3. Action gets data from data tier
4. Action forwards request to JSP to display results
5. Clicking a link from the result list diplays "details" of the

While on the detail page, if the user clicks the browser Back button,
they are taken back to the list of query results (there is no round
trip to the server).  This is good.

Problem is, if I add a Flash front end (which I need to do), and
utilize the same ActionForward as above, the exact same scenario
above DOES generate a return trip to the server when the Back button
in clicked.  Only this time, since the FormBean is request scoped,
it's not there to be found, and a null pointer extention is found
instead.  The same name/value pairs are being sent to the form bean
from Flash, to the same URL, and otherwise the workflow works as

A trip through the RequestProcess source has not helped me understand
why theBack button causes a trip back to the server.  I'm not setting
Expire headers, so itseems that all data should be cached in the

Insight appreciated.

Michael C. Clark

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