Ted, Matt, Joe, and all the other helpful folks that chimed in earlier on
persistence mechanisms:

In trying to keep with best practices, I've managed to remove all "model"
related code (business logic, and persistence) out of the Actions' execute()
method.  Now I'd like to take it one step further and decouple the business
model classes from the implementing persistence technology (btw, settled on
OJB for now :).  From Joe's post, it seems like the DAO pattern is called
for to accomplish this.

My (slightly off topic) question is this:  who develops their own DAO
framework (like the dao and dao factory interfaces), and who uses a 3rd
party framework (like iBATIS's Database Layer) and why?  There was something
mentioned about the discovery of the persistence mechanism as well...

Any references to webpages/books would be appreciated.

BTW, I've been shamelessly posting to this list questions that are probably
better directed elsewhere.  What would be a more appropriate list?

Thank you,


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