I am relatively new to Tiles, so forgive me if there's a simple solution to

I came across the following situation:

    <definition name=".default.layout" path="/WEB-INF/jsp/Default.jsp">
        <put name="title" value="Unknown"/>
    <definition name=".welcome.layout" extends=".default.layout">
        <put name="title" value="Welcome"/>

<%@ taglib uri="/struts/tiles.tld" prefix="tiles"%>
        <title><tiles:getAsString name="title"/></title>
        <h1><tiles:getAsString name="title"/></h1>

I can't think of a way to _directly_ localize on tiles:getAsString, so I was
wondering what is the recommended approach?  Of course, I could put a
<bean:message key="welcome"/> in a JSP and use <tiles:get name="title"/> to
fetch it.  Is the use of tiles:getAsString disrecommended anywhere for
internationalized applications?  If not, should it be?

Here's an idea:  What if the put element supported a key attribute (mutually
exclusive to the value attribute) to fetch values from a resource bundle.

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