Erez wrote:
> Is there some sort of beta for 1.2? Is anyone working with it right

Isn't the nightly build what will be 1.2?  If so, yes, I'm working with
it on a new project.  I have 10/14 currently, works fine for me...

(Are we going to have the "how stable are the nightly builds" discussion
now?  FWIW, I developed and tested with nightly builds of 1.1 and was
prepared to go live with it, but the release coincided almost exactly
with my live date.  I probably had one of the first live Struts 1.1
webapps, and that's only because I had been using it all along.  In all
that time I had exactly *one* major issue and dropped back to the
previous night's build for a day until the fix went in.)

Wendy Smoak
Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
Arizona State University, PA, IRM 

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