Hi Andrew,
 we are trying to send objects instead of string
variables,request.getParameter() fetch's only string variable. but my
requirement is ,i need to retrieve ArrayList object from by using
request.getAttribute().its possible by using <html:frame>??,i am using
session.setAttribute() to pass ArrayList Object,but its cause performance
problems(tomcat got freezeed,i think because of tomcat VM memory filled
up,if restart tomcat its working fine for 3,4 complete executions of
application ,then problem is reappearing)


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 12:23 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: <html:frame> Problem, very Urgent!
Importance: Low

Hmm... No. Doesnt look that urgent to me mate.

<html:frame page="/displayQuestion.jsp" frameName="first"
scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" paramId="sample1" paramName="sample1"
name="sample1" />


If your passing it as a parameter you should use
request.getParameter("sample1") to get its value. (Attributes and parameters
arent the same thing).

-----Original Message-----
From: krishnamohan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, 20 October 2003 14:37
Cc: Mohan Reddy
Subject: <html:frame> Problem, very Urgent!
Importance: High

Hi all,

The following is my jsp page where I want to pass values to another jsp
using <html:frame> tag.

This is my code snipplet,

<jsp:useBean id="test1" class="com.xx.XX.QuestionInfo" />

ArrayList al=(ArrayList)request.getAttribute("QuestionsDB");
//HashMap hash=new HashMap();
<bean:define id="sample" name="test1" property="value" toScope="request"/>
java.util.HashMap params = new java.util.HashMap();
params.put("QuestionsDB", sample);

pageContext.setAttribute("sample1", params);


<frameset rows="44%,43%,13%" name="mainframe">
        <html:frame page="/displayQuestion.jsp" frameName="first"
scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" paramId="sample1" paramName="sample1"
name="sample1" />

in displayQuestion.jsp page i am trying to retrive value "sample1" by using

This is not giving any values for me

please help me ,and please correct code, if any thing is wrong

Its very very Urgent.



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