Ok i for got to say that in fmain layout i use frames
so a top frame, a body frame and a footer frame
if i use
<frame src="<tiles:getAsString name='body'/>" name="body">
in my frame
then he is searching for a jsp called "getothertiles"
which he cant find

if i dont use frames he can find it because then he knows that
"getothertiles" is a tiles definition

any idea?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Frers Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 3:12 PM
Subject: Struts and Tiles

> Hello
> again a small question about tiles
> i have a layout with
> header,body and footer
> and a another with left and right
> now i want that in body of the first is again another tile to get the
> layout into it
> like:
> <definition name="result-layout-top" path="/MasterLayout.jsp">
> <put name="title" value="Welcome to WebOpac" />
> <put name="header" value="jsp/common/header.jsp" />
> <put name="footer" value="jsp/common/searchfooter.jsp" />
> <put name="body" value="getothertiles" />
> </definition>
> <definition name="result-leftright" path="LeftRightLayout.jsp">
> <put name="left" value="ITSLEFTSIDE" />
> <put name="right" value="ITSRIGHTSIDE" />
> </definition>
> <!-- Definition for Result List Page -->
> <definition name="/getothertiles" extends="result-leftright">
> <put name="left" value="jsp/ResultList.jsp" />
> <put name="right" value="jsp/empty.jsp" />
> </definition>
> so if i call result-lyout-top than i want to have the header, the footer
> a body with a left and a right side
> anyone knows?
> Thx for any help
> Tristan
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