You can use the jndi datasource that you define in web.xml rather than struts. examples-howto.html

The struts datasource is deprecated generally. Ideally you have your db connection stuff in your model layer. If this means little to you, then just use the jndi datasource for the time being while you become more familiar with struts. I'm sure a few weeks down the line you'll see what the model - controller separation stuff is about, when your actions start getting longer than is ideal.

Hope this helps

Cheers Mark

On Monday, October 27, 2003, at 01:47 PM, Mathieu Grimault wrote:

First hello everyone !!! This is my first answer and i'm learning struts now...

I'm using this method but it's deprecated...Did someone knows the right call ? thx.

DataSource dataSource = (DataSource)servlet.getServletContext().getAttribute(Action.DATA_SOURCE _KEY);

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