Hello.....I've got a problem with validwhen. I've got a form with two buttons.....one 
makes and insert in the database, and the other makes a search....I want to make a 
validation only when the insert button is pushed and i don't know if i understand 
correctly how validwhen works.

I've got this form....

<html:form action="/icytReviAction" onsubmit="return validateIcytReviForm(this)">

<html:text property="name"/>
<html:text property="email"/>

<html:hidden property="act"/>

<html:submit value="alta" onclick="javascript:document.forms[0].act.value='insert';"/>
<html:submit value="alta" onclick="javascript:document.forms[0].act.value='search';"/>

The hidden input called act that is filled with the word "search" or "insert", the 
value depends of the button you push.

I want to set name as a required field and email has a required, email mask field. 

If i put this validation don't run :\

                <arg0 key="icytReviForm.name.displayname"/>
                    <var-value>(act == 'alta')</var-value>

                <arg0 key="icytReviForm.name.displayname"/>
                <msg name="email" key="errors.icytReviForm.formatoCOZ"/>
                    <var-value>(act == 'alta')</var-value>

Some one knows how to validate correctly?? Someone use validwhen and it's validate 

Thanks in advance

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