Geraldine: Cookies and urlRewriting have been discussed a lot in the past.
You may want to search the archives..


geraldine wrote:

> Thanks! The forward works great but the problem with the session still
> exists. My page only works when I enable cookies. However, I'm still
> looking for other solutions using url rewriting which somehow doesn't
> work! Can anyone else enlighten me or is my question just too trivial?
> Regards,
> Geraldine
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Geeta Ramani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 9:35 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: newbie session problem
> Hi!  this doesn't explain why a new session is created, but in the link
> in your original jsp do not link directly to the second jsp: it's a bad
> practice anyway since it breaks MVC.  Instead use something like this:
> <html:link page="/">Jsp 2</html:link>
> In your struts-config.xml, add this action mapping:
> <action path="/goToJsp2"
>             parameter="path_to_jsp2"
>             type="org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction" />
> My guess is you should be alright then.. (Read up on
> org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction in the docs if necessary..)
> hth,
> Geeta
> > My struts application has a link to another jsp. but everytime i click
> on this link, the jsp creates a new session.
> >
> > I've tried practically everything, <html:link>,
> <%response.encodeURL()%> and even manually appending the jsessionid to
> the end of the url to this jsp, but it just keeps on creating those new
> sessions. Is there something i'm missing out? the funny thing is that
> the rest of my links work fine (just this fiddly one) and the even cuter
> thing is that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't! i'm trying
> not to use cookies to store my session. am i missing something out here?
> >
> > thanks....
> >
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