Hello folks,
Thanks for all ur replies on the upgrade problem
As David suggested, I have got the patch for weblogic 8.1 sp1 from bea.
The patch is called CR112789_81sp1.jar. It has nine tag related classes of the package 

The compilation errors have now disappeared :)

Thanks again..

-----Original Message-----
From: Karr, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 10:28 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: upgrading Struts 1.1 to jdk 1.4 and weblogic 8.1
-Compilation errors

I doubt the JDK version upgrade is relevant here.  Are you using WLS 8.1
or 8.1 SP1?  Check with BEA support to get any relevant patches.  It's
possible that patch "CR112789" will resolve this.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ruta Thakkar 
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 9:09 PM
Subject: upgrading Struts 1.1 to jdk 1.4 and weblogic 8.1 -Compilation

Dear All,

I have been using Struts 1.1(stable release) with weblogic 6.1,jdk1.3..now we are 
upgrading to weblogic 8.1/jdk1.4

Here is the code that i was using earlier to pass multiple parameters in html:link:

<logic:iterate id="airportObj" name="airportList">
<bean:define id="airportCode" name="airportObj" property="airportCode" />

<tr >
                        java.util.HashMap params = new java.util.HashMap();
                        params.put("method", "getAirportDetails");
                        params.put("airportCode", airportCode );
                        pageContext.setAttribute("paramsName", params);

<td width="17%"><bean:write name="airportValObj" property="airportCode" />
<td >
<html:link action="/groundservices"  name="paramsName" scope="page" >
        <bean:write name="airportObj" property="airportName" />
this works fine with Weblogic 6.1 and jdk 1.3, But when i upgraded to jdk 1.4 
/weblogic 8.1,
it gives me an error:
cannot resolve symbol airportCode at line : params.put("airportCode", airportCode );

I know that jdk1.4 is stricter when it comes to compilation, but does this imply that 
the bean:define tag is not compiant with jdk1.4??

Pls guide me on how to proceed forward....



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