I'm still somewhat of a Struts newbie, but I figured I'd give some feedback
on an error message I've been getting:
When the /WEB-INF directory does not contain a struts or tiles configuration
file, ActionServlet throws a NullPointerException.  This pretty much forces
the end user to download the Struts source code in order to locate the
error.  This is happening in Struts 1.1.  This defect can be reproduced by
making a .war file which does not contain 'WEB-INF/struts-config.xml', or
any other configuration resource referenced by ActionServlet.  Upon
initialization, ActionServlet will throw a NPE.  Not very nice.
The problem is that ActionServlet invokes ServletContext.getResource() and
ServletContext.getResourceAsStream() without ever checking for a null return
value, which is the defined behavior of ServletContext when the resource
does not exist.
So, should I submit a patch?   If so, can someone point me to some
instructions on how to do that The Right Way (tm)?

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