Are the number of different form instances going to be determined dynamically? If so, this is an intractible problem, because you won't be able to make every possible determination in the struts-config.xml file in advance.

This might be a good use of JavaScript though. In that case, you would have two form beans: LoginFormA, and LoginFormB. Each one would have one potential action coming out of the page (ActionA and ActionB).

You would then create one hidden <html:form> instance of each of LoginFormA, and LoginFormB.

For each visible <html:form>, you would have a form which, on submit, would populate the hidden LoginFormA or LoginFormB instance, setting a hidden value indicating which visible <html:form> was actually submitted, and then submit the HIDDEN <html:form> corresponding to the particular form bean you needed to use.

Would this pattern work for you?

Kirk Wylie
M7 Corporation

Sonam Belbase wrote:


So there are two levels of distinction here - the first one being
LoginFormTypeA and LoginFormTypeB. But that is no big issue since
the actions that map to them are different.

So when m of n is submitted, the request processor knows whether
m is of type LoginFormTypeA or of type LoginFormTypeB. Problem
is that you cannot have multiple <html:form> elements on a page,
all with the same name "LoginFormTypeA" or "LoginFormTypeB".
This is why we gave them different names through iteration-
"LoginFormA_1", "LoginFormA_2", "LoginFormB_1",
etc. When LoginFormA_1 is submitted, you would think that
the request processor would look for a form called "LoginFormA_1"
and form.get("userName") would return the value of LoginFormA_1's
userName property. This doesn't happen.

Instead, the request processor looks at the action associated with the
submitted form, sees that it is loginActionA, looks for the
associated form (which from the action-mapping is "LoginFormTypeA")
and since it cannot find one, creates one. Thus form.get("userName")
returns null.

Hope this is not too confusing!

: ) SB

Sonam Belbase wrote:

> Tim,
> We do have the same form and the same action and more
> specifically, we have the LoginFormTypeA processed by loginActionA
> and LoginFormTypeB processed by loginActionB. Of the
> 5 login forms, three could be of type A, 2 could be of type B.
> "Chen, Gin" wrote:
> > The problem here is that with 5 login forms.. How would you know or even
> > care which of the 5 was used to submit?
> > Is it processed differently if I pick m of n versus x of n?
> > In any case sounds like what you really want is the same form and the same
> > action.
> > Ie..
> >
> > I might have a bean such that it only contains one parameter.
> > (don't mind syntax as stupid outlook keeps trying to apply spelling and
> > grammer rules which I don't want to turn off cause I'm the worst
> > speller/grammulator)
> >
> > <form-bean name="loginForm"
> > type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm">
> > <form-property name="formIteration"
> > type="java.lang.Integer"/>
> > </form-bean>
> >
> > This bean is mapped to the same action. (ex. /loginAction)
> >
> > Then for my JSP :
> > //remember n is simulated ie. don't put n in end (duh) :)
> > <c:forEach var="loopCnt" begin="1" end="n">
> > <html:form action="/loginAction">
> > <html-el:hidden property="formIteration"
> > value="${loopCnt}"/>
> > <html:submit property="userAction">
> > <bean:message key="button.login"/>
> > </html:submit>
> > </html:form>
> > </c:forEach>
> >
> > Now your action is pretty simple.
> > Based on the formIteration value you know which of the n forms was used to
> > login.
> > Hope that helps.
> > -Tim
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Sonam Belbase [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 6:37 PM
> > To: Struts Users Mailing List
> > Subject: Re: please help: ActionForms of same type but different name?
> >
> > There is no knowing until runtime how many iterations there are going to be.
> > That's why we can't define the n number of LoginForms.
> >
> > The requirement is that on the same jsp, we will have repeating
> > <html:form></html:form> sections. User will specify at runtime
> > how many he/she wants. The <html:forms> will all be of the same
> > type. Restriction is that only one can be submitted at a time, i.e. user
> > might have specified 5 Login sections of the page, and therefore is shown 5
> > login sections, but can only "save" one at a time.
> >
> > The "save" action needs to know which form to retrieve the values
> > "username" and password" from.
> >
> > SB
> >
> > "Chen, Gin" wrote:
> >
> > > One approach, you can define as many form-beans as you want iteratations.
> > > Ex:
> > > <form-bean name="LoginForm_1"
> > > type="">
> > > </form-bean>
> > > <form-bean name="LoginForm_2"
> > > type="">
> > > </form-bean>
> > > .
> > > .
> > > .
> > > <form-bean name="LoginForm_n"
> > > type="">
> > > </form-bean>
> > >
> > > You can also just use a single form bean for all your actions.. If they
> > are
> > > the same class then they are the same formbean anyways.
> > > So just use the same name for all of them (well not html:form name in
> > Struts
> > > 1.1+ but rather use name in action definition).
> > > Or If you explain your requirements a bit more we could come up with a
> > > better solution/explanation.
> > > -Tim
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Sonam Belbase [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 6:16 PM
> > > To: Struts Users Mailing List
> > > Subject: please help: ActionForms of same type but different name?
> > >
> > > Given the following code in my jsp:
> > >
> > > <logic:iterate id="element" name="dynamicFormList"
> > > type="java.lang.String" >
> > > <html:form action="/login" name="<%=element%>"
> > > type="">
> > >
> > > User Name:
> > > <html:text property="userName" size="20" maxlength="50"/>
> > > Password:
> > > <html:text property="password" size="20" maxlength="50"/>
> > > <html:hidden property="identifier" value="<%= element %>" />
> > > <html:submit property="" value="OK" />
> > >
> > > </html:form>
> > > </logic:iterate>
> > >
> > > element has the value "LoginForm_1" in the first iteratation,
> > > "LoginForm_2" in the second iteration, and so on.
> > >
> > > In struts-config:
> > > <form-bean name="LoginForm"
> > > type="">
> > > </form-bean>
> > >
> > > LoginForm extends ActionForm.
> > >
> > > I understand that the attributes "name" and "type" have been deprecated
> > > but I am trying to get the iteration to create and display a new
> > > instance of the LoginForm, each with it's own name and properties. After
> > > submit, the request processor seems to look for a formbean associated
> > > with the action (in this case, a formbean called "LoginForm") and not a
> > > formbean with name "LoginForm_1" and therefore in the action the form
> > > property values are all null.
> > >
> > > Anyone know how I can get it to look for the formBean with the unique
> > > name that was specified by the variable element?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > SB
> > >
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